[Lmuse-developer] Great new fixes, features
2017-03-16 08:18:36 UTC
In git master now.
Try it out, hope you think it's getting better now.
I know the new monitor buttons will take some
getting used to.
But half of the users need them on by default
and half need them off. It's hard to guess.
Best to leave 'em off by default, I say.
Maybe later some convenient rec+monitor combo...


From the ChangeLog, for the impatient...

* Routing and mixer relief:
- Fixed auto-connect routing: Midi tracks by default now only
connect to the first
suitable midi port input or output instead of all of them at once.
- Multi-selected tracks editing: New: Routing buttons apply to ALL
selected tracks
ie. select two or more tracks and the routing buttons apply to
each track.
The selected tracks must be type-compatible. TODO: All other
strip controls.
- Added some SVG icons: Mixer window now scales almost perfectly to
chosen font.
Moved 'Monitor' button to between 'Off' and 'Rec arm' buttons.
- New class IconButton replaces clumsy ToolButton and icon usage.
Has TWO different
icon groups, perfect for our 'proxy' solo and mute.
- All mute buttons now show 'proxy' mute ie. when any OTHER track
is soloed.
- All 'Monitor' buttons are now off by default.
* Bug fixes:
- Fixes for 'frozen' Arranger not responding:
NEW! Changing theme style in Appearance dialog automatically
restarts MusE.
If a stylesheet is chosen, 'style' is forced to 'Fusion' for now
until fixed upstream.
- Fixed duplicate events: From multiple tracks connected to the
same inputs and output
if 'Monitor' was active. Protection from same-time events (only)
in MPEventList::add().
- Fixed: Track ordering incorrect after deleting multiple tracks
then undoing.
- Fixed: Big CPU % spikes when clicking almost anything in the
mixer window.
Excessive redrawMixer() calls: Fix some controls/strip mouse
handling: Accept, not ignore.
New specific SC_TRACK_MOVED flag replaces the more general
moving tracks in Arranger or Mixer, and filter out other flags
causing redrawMixer().
2017-03-17 00:50:24 UTC
Here are some snapshots of the new icons in action.

I took a philosophy that, especially in the mixer,
the button icons should be unobtrusive and dull -
they should not distract the user until the button
is on or 'active'.
When they are off or 'inactive', the dull colour means
'all is OK normal, nothing to be alerted to'.
Thus the user is 'alerted' when the icons 'come alive'
with colour.

Three snapshots: With Normal, Dark, and Ardour stylesheets applied.
Here you can see the 'proxy' soloing and newly added 'proxy' muting.

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Robert Jonsson
2017-03-17 22:07:21 UTC
Cool stuff Tim!

I haven't had time to test yet, you hinted that the theme/style problems
may have been overcome? Is it maybe time to move to the dark theme as
standard then? :)

I've actually done quite a bit of recording last week (first time in a year
pretty much...) and new MusE worked pretty good for me. As always there are
some annoyances that I should try to bring up and/or fix myself.
Right now the only one I remember though is the new monitoring.
I record lots and lots of audio tracks, all of them connected to the same
audio-in, generally a microphone. Having all these tracks turning on
monitoring means the input signal (and with that, the noise) is multiplied
with each track. I find myself turning off monitoring on all but the one
that I'm recording on, which in practice means it's actually much more
cumbersome to record new tracks now, as there is no automatic monitoring
turned on.
It strikes me while writing this that maybe the monitor for audio should be
on the input track instead of the wave tracks? Though that means any
effects affecting the sound on the tracks won't be heard while recording.
Maybe if the monitor on the audio input is the one turned on by default, to
easily get input sound but then having monitors on all wave tracks that are
tri-state like I outlined before, 1. off, 2. monitor-while-rec (like it
used to work), 3. monitor-on. Though monitoring in these different stages
might be confusing for users also..
Hard to get a solution good for all scenarios I guess..
Post by Tim
Here are some snapshots of the new icons in action.
I took a philosophy that, especially in the mixer,
the button icons should be unobtrusive and dull -
they should not distract the user until the button
is on or 'active'.
When they are off or 'inactive', the dull colour means
'all is OK normal, nothing to be alerted to'.
Thus the user is 'alerted' when the icons 'come alive'
with colour.
Three snapshots: With Normal, Dark, and Ardour stylesheets applied.
Here you can see the 'proxy' soloing and newly added 'proxy' muting.
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Dennis Schulmeister-Zimolong
2017-03-19 12:32:36 UTC
Hi Tim,

Lots of useful improvements there, and some nice new icons. Not so tiny
anymore. :-)

May we also have the new input icon in the track header of the
arranger? Then you wouldn't have to click on each track to see where
monitoring is on.

Regarding the monitoring behavior, Ardour has a preferences setting
they call "tape mode monitoring". With this option a rec-enabled track
will also have monitoring enabled. The monitoring button then becomes
kind of semi-enabled so that it's easy to see if monitoring is
permanently on or not.

Also in Ardour they distinguish the monitoring source: IN or DISK.
Don't know if we need that in MusE, though.

Pavel Fric
2017-04-04 10:04:25 UTC
in case  the e-mail with Czech localization update was missed, I send it
here too. Please commit it.

Greetings, Pavel Fric

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Pavel Fric <***@seznam.cz>
Komu: Tim <***@rogers.com>
Datum: 22. 3. 2017 14:18:04
Předmět: MusE 3 - Czech localization update

I've updated the Czech translation (also almost completed the translation of
the localization file). Attached. Please commit it.

Greetings, Pavel Fric"
2017-04-05 01:07:34 UTC
Hi sorry for the delay. I saw the first message.
I have never applied translations before.
Spamatica usually does that, hopefully he reads this.
I know there are some instructions, I will try to do it
if no-one else does.

Thanks for keeping up with the changes.
Often, text strings need to change, even slightly,
depending on the new features.
I do think of the translators out there. I do deeply
regret every change in text that I must do,
but hey... it's progress...
I hope you are able to access every text that you want.
I do some minimum support with every (English) text
code that I add or modify, with simple tr().
Orcan showed us more 'proper' formal ways to support
it but I admit I'm lazy and never remember to use it.

You may want to revisit a few texts after my next push, soon.
Some of the mixer strip control texts.

in case the e-mail with Czech localization update was missed, I send
it here too. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Datum: 22. 3. 2017 14:18:04
Předmět: MusE 3 - Czech localization update
I've updated the Czech translation (also almost completed the
translation of the localization file). Attached. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Lmuse-developer mailing list
Robert Jonsson
2017-04-05 13:42:38 UTC
Post by Tim
Hi sorry for the delay. I saw the first message.
I have never applied translations before.
Spamatica usually does that, hopefully he reads this.
Yep, I'm here, sometimes.
Post by Tim
I know there are some instructions, I will try to do it
if no-one else does.
Pavel has done the heavy lifting already, what is left is basically adding
the file to the repository in the right place and it should be installed an
packaged correctly.

Post by Tim
Thanks for keeping up with the changes.
Often, text strings need to change, even slightly,
depending on the new features.
I do think of the translators out there. I do deeply
regret every change in text that I must do,
but hey... it's progress...
I hope you are able to access every text that you want.
I do some minimum support with every (English) text
code that I add or modify, with simple tr().
Orcan showed us more 'proper' formal ways to support
it but I admit I'm lazy and never remember to use it.
You may want to revisit a few texts after my next push, soon.
Some of the mixer strip control texts.
in case the e-mail with Czech localization update was missed, I send it
here too. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Datum: 22. 3. 2017 14:18:04
Předmět: MusE 3 - Czech localization update
I've updated the Czech translation (also almost completed the translation
of the localization file). Attached. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Lmuse-developer mailing list
2017-04-10 05:41:52 UTC
OK Thanks. I updated it.
I simply replaced the existing .ts file.

Hope that works.

I noticed MusE seems to automatically create
and install some .qm files whereas the instructions in
README.translate seem to indicate a more laborious
procedure to create them? README is Outdated?

Post by Tim
Hi sorry for the delay. I saw the first message.
I have never applied translations before.
Spamatica usually does that, hopefully he reads this.
Yep, I'm here, sometimes.
I know there are some instructions, I will try to do it
if no-one else does.
Pavel has done the heavy lifting already, what is left is basically
adding the file to the repository in the right place and it should be
installed an packaged correctly.
Thanks for keeping up with the changes.
Often, text strings need to change, even slightly,
depending on the new features.
I do think of the translators out there. I do deeply
regret every change in text that I must do,
but hey... it's progress...
I hope you are able to access every text that you want.
I do some minimum support with every (English) text
code that I add or modify, with simple tr().
Orcan showed us more 'proper' formal ways to support
it but I admit I'm lazy and never remember to use it.
You may want to revisit a few texts after my next push, soon.
Some of the mixer strip control texts.
in case the e-mail with Czech localization update was missed, I
send it here too. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Datum: 22. 3. 2017 14:18:04
Předmět: MusE 3 - Czech localization update
I've updated the Czech translation (also almost completed the
translation of the localization file). Attached. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org!http://sdm.link/slashdot
Lmuse-developer mailing list
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
_______________________________________________ Lmuse-developer
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Lmuse-developer mailing list
Robert Jonsson
2017-04-18 20:06:56 UTC
Sorry for delaytimes...
Post by Tim
OK Thanks. I updated it.
I simply replaced the existing .ts file.
Hope that works.
I noticed MusE seems to automatically create
and install some .qm files whereas the instructions in
README.translate seem to indicate a more laborious
procedure to create them? README is Outdated?
I think the README.translate is correct. Step 4 describes two variants, it
could possibly be simplified a bit but I think it is right.

Post by Tim
Post by Tim
Hi sorry for the delay. I saw the first message.
I have never applied translations before.
Spamatica usually does that, hopefully he reads this.
Yep, I'm here, sometimes.
Post by Tim
I know there are some instructions, I will try to do it
if no-one else does.
Pavel has done the heavy lifting already, what is left is basically adding
the file to the repository in the right place and it should be installed an
packaged correctly.
Post by Tim
Thanks for keeping up with the changes.
Often, text strings need to change, even slightly,
depending on the new features.
I do think of the translators out there. I do deeply
regret every change in text that I must do,
but hey... it's progress...
I hope you are able to access every text that you want.
I do some minimum support with every (English) text
code that I add or modify, with simple tr().
Orcan showed us more 'proper' formal ways to support
it but I admit I'm lazy and never remember to use it.
You may want to revisit a few texts after my next push, soon.
Some of the mixer strip control texts.
in case the e-mail with Czech localization update was missed, I send it
here too. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Datum: 22. 3. 2017 14:18:04
Předmět: MusE 3 - Czech localization update
I've updated the Czech translation (also almost completed the translation
of the localization file). Attached. Please commit it.
Greetings, Pavel Fric
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most engaging
tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
_______________________________________________ Lmuse-developer mailing
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
Lmuse-developer mailing list